Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Chinese ways to counter the US continued challenge to China’s rise as an economic and military superpower in the Asia Pacific region.

By China Watcher

The US (and not America because the US do not represent the continent of America) empire as many critics say is heading on a declining slope due to its massive debt and the poor performance of its economy – which is heavily reliant on technological improvisation. What happens if the technological barrier has been lowered (other countries can innovate better) or the technological development has reached a plateau over the next few decades.

The US is very eager to see that its dominant superpower status is not in any way challenge by a growing China. China must realize that after the cold war ended, the Pacific Ocean became, in effect, a US haven. With its air and naval forces operating through bases in subordinate satellite countries like Japan, Philippines and South Korea.The United States believe that it could continue to deter its labeled aggressors and to insure safe passage for commercial shipping throughout the Western Pacific and into the Indian Ocean. Recently, it has started engaging Vietnam (a former enemy) and Singapore (a pro-US city State) to allow it to make port calls with the hope of creating future satellite naval bases to deter China movements in the South China Sea. The US forces presently is the only power which could operate everywhere with impunity.

Western media keeps generating various reports that China has over two decades engaged in the fast and wide-ranging military buildup which threatened not the US but also the surrounding countries. Though China is secretive about its military improvements, it is no different when it comes to the US. Did the US ever notify the world community why it needed 11 aircraft carriers to patrol the world?

China must continue to build on its “anti-access capability” and focus on more cost-effective ways to neutralize US capability in coming to the aid of nations which have been taking orders from the superpower. The building of a large number of relatively inexpensive non-nuclear ballistic missiles inclusive of sea- and air-launched cruise missiles is a good strategic move in the right direction. The important thing here is to make these weapons more precise, powerful and deadly in order not to allow the US the time to recoup and launch counter attacks. These weapons must be able to destroy or disable the satellite ports and airfields (like in Japan and Korea) from which US air and naval forces operate and sink warships with weapons that could reach an area from hundreds of miles out to sea, more particular the might of US aircraft carriers.

More developments are needed in the area of space technologies to accurately disable US satellites and cyber-networks which will “blind” the US military vision in high tech war. China should also continue to develop more potent long-range nuclear missiles that can easily reach the United States in the event of an attack from the US. The strategic direction is to minimize the “windows” or options for Washington to retaliate in an outbreak of hostilities leading to a war.

China must develop a strong détente with its improvement in all its military armaments in such a way that any US satellites states which allow its bases to be used in launching a war against the Chinese people (esp Korea, Japan and Philippines) will run the risk of being annihilated WITH OR WITHOUT the US support. It is important to create this atmosphere of uncertainty on the reliance for the US support which will prompt these countries to consider carefully before embarking on any war against the Chinese people.

China must continue to take its rightful place as Asia’s dominant power. It can do so in 2 ways by co-existing with the US or by eroding the credibility of America’s security guarantees, hollowing out its many military alliances and eventually easing it out of the region.

China is stating its claims to the various contested areas around South China Sea and Japan more on the basis of what has been written in the historical context based on 16th century maps but the surrounding countries have suddenly become bolder to challenge Chinese sovereign interest, mainly because of the US support from within.

Western media reporting have always been lopsided and branding China as the “aggressors”. Why? It is no surprise since most online and printed media are from the West. The West has stated that strength deters aggression and weakness tempts it, which I wholeheartedly agreed. Beijing must continue to build a more aggressive and efficient military like what the US had done over the last 100 years in order to bring about peace and stability in Asia.

Beijing’s must continue to stress that any nation that work closely with the United States to deter China’s right to takes its own place in Asia is viewed as an ‘unfriendly nation” which will be subjected to the same treatment as an “enemy”.

Can Washington shoulder the entire burden of preserving the Asian power balance, in a declining economic scenario? Can US continue to spend as lavishly to confront China openly to counter its anti-access capabilities, thereby reducing the likelihood that they will ever be used? The West always criticize China’s relentless military buildup but is there anyone who is willing to question the US year by year increase in military spending which is so much higher than the size of China’s military budget?

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