Thursday, November 27, 2008

China should initiate a strategy to bring EU ties to a level befitting the present circumstances

By China Watcher

Earlier, the European Parliament ignored China’s request not to award the Human Rights award to one of its dissidents in October 2008. I was actually taken aback when China proceeded to hold the Asia-EU Summit in Beijing about a week after the announcement. I guess that this could be due to the agreed hosting commitment and that it is an Asian’s role played by China before the snub.

And yesterday, the arrogant, shallow minded and “less refined” French President stated that he will go ahead with the side-lined meeting with the Dalai Lama in Poland, next month further affecting Sino-France relationship which has yet to reach the level of cooperation enjoyed during the years of Jacques Chirac.

There is no doubt that France as an independent nation, will not listen or follow the instructions of another country in its foreign policy but the Sino-EU relationship is a core partnership of which free trade linkages coupled with joint ventures, technical engagements and climatic cooperation could benefit the people from both sides. France, being the current EU Presidency, should demonstrate its leadership in bringing the Sino-EU partnership to a new level and to view the progressive development from a bigger perspective than one which narrowly provides moral support to a political religious leader dream of achieving covert independence. One of the covert independence aims of the Tibetan exiles is to drive all Han Chinese from Tibet and the three surrounding provinces, which obviously cannot be supported by the Chinese – both within and abroad.

As such, it is of no surprise when Beijing announced unilaterally that it has cancelled the summit with EU next week. In fact, most of the European leaders’ political actions are playing to the tune of the human rights activists and Tibetan sympathizers, which is of no benefit to the economic prosperity and well being of people from the two emerging and complementary entities.

What is reported by the Western media that the Sino-EU summit is being postponed is untrue. In actual fact, it is deemed CANCELLED because there is suppose to be two summits every year and not one. If a meeting is held next year, then it will be a fresh NEW SUMMIT for a brand new year – 2009, which I believe will remain tumultuous with the rotating Presidency of the EU going to the Czech Republic, another human rights’ sympathetic country.

By canceling the event, the Chinese government has demonstrated the right thing to do reflecting the will of all prideful Chinese people. Bravo!

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